1.0 General Introduction
Quality assurance in education through school inspection by National Governments is not new in the World education system. The first school inspection in the World began in France under Napoleon’s Regime at the end of 18th Century (Grauwe, 2007). Later, the idea spread to other European countries in the 19th century (Wilcox, 2000; Grauwe, 2007). In many African countries, establishment of school inspection services accompanied the introduction of formal public education (Grauwe, 2007) and many of the developing countries expanded the inspection services after independence. The major aim of establishing school inspection was to track the education quality provided in schools by the guidance of some quality benchmarks that could facilitate learning at the same time reinforcing stake holders’ satisfaction (Neave, 1987; Nkinyangi, 2006). In Tanzania, school inspection was established in 1903 under school inspectorate department (URT, 1999) which has been renamed to be Quality assurance Division to ensure quality in provision of education in accordance to set policies, standards and procedures (URT, 2014).
Despite the establishment of quality assurance through school inspection all over the World, strong quality assurance system that ensures the collaborative role of all stake holders in the system was not much developed (O- saki, 2015); a situation which contributed academic performance in public primary schools in developing countries particularly Tanzania district councils not to be improved.
1.1 Introduction to the Study
The study intended to investigate on the impact of collaborative role of Quality assurers on academic performance in public primary schools in Tanzania district councils. It provided essential sub- sections that lead the research to be an effective context. These include Back ground, Statement of the problem, Purpose of the study, Objectives of the study, Research questions, Scope of the study, Definition of terms, Significance of the study and Conceptual Frame Work. Each Sub-section under the introduction of a research was as follows:
1.2 Background
Discussions on Quality Assurance are common in all sectors of the economy including Industry, Energy and Social services sectors all over the World. In Tanzania, Quality Assurers formerly known as School Inspectors from Inspectorate department which was also renamed to be School Quality Division (URT, 2015) are responsible to ensure academic performance in public primary schools as it was advocated in the Education Act No. 25 of 1978 Section 41- 44 and the Education (amendment) Act No. 10 of 1995 Section 31- 32. Due to the extent to which Quality Assurers are very important on academic performance in public primary schools, the government mandated them to work and provide professional support to public primary schools. URT, (2006) argue that Quality Assurers have been delegated legal powers as a professional to oversee on behalf of the government and education stake holders that the education being provided is appropriate and adequate.......................................
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