Ways to Hack Someone's WhatsApp without Their Phone
It is no secret that WhatsApp has been an integral part of our lives since its inception in the year 2009. Regardless of whether you are using this app for business or personal reasons, WhatsApp is no doubt a must-have app for all of us. At times, a good number of us might want to snoop on their partners or business nemesis who use WhatsApp just to know what they might be up to. How can this be possible in a world where different people want to keep their privacy covered at all costs? The answer is simple; just hack the WhatsApp account in question, and you are ready to go. This article takes into detail the various methods on how to hack someone's WhatsApp without their phone or without their knowledge.1: Hack Someone's WhatsApp Messages without them Knowing Using Spyzie
A great way of how to hack someone WhatsApp without them knowing is by using the highly-advanced software Spyzie.It works with both android and iOS devices. When it is used to hack whatsapp messages on an android phone, it uses features like capturing screenshot and keylogging to let you track every activity on the target device. Though you need to install the monitoing app on the target phone, the process is pretty simple. And when it is installed, it will work in stealth mode without leaving any trace. On the other hand, if you would like to monitor an iPhone, you don't even need to touch the target device. Here is a live demo: Livedemo hereWith this program, you are guaranteed complete access to the other phone's WhatsApp conversation as they come and go without the slightest knowledge of the other party. If you want to know how to hack someone WhatsApp without them knowing by using Spyzie, just follow these basic steps.
1: You need to create a premium account. It will allow you access to control panel and view the monitored WhatsApp messages and other info.
Tip: Please note that you don't need to root the target android phone or jailbreak the target iPhone (but make sure the iCloud backup is enabled).
2: If it is an android phone you would like to hack, you will need to install the monitoring app on the target device and make some necessary settings. You should find detailed instructions after logging into Spyzie account. If it is an iPhone you would like to monitor, just verify the iCloud ID and passwod connected with the target iPhone. Then head straight to the dashboard and select WhatsApp.
3: From this point onwards, you will be in a position to keep track of each and every WhatsApp messages that are sent and received by the target phone by logging into you Spyzie account. Please note that you will only be able to access the first logs or messages after 24 hours if the target device is iPhone. However, there is no such limit on android devices.
The good thing about Spyzie is the fact that the spied person cannot locate and neither can they know that they're being tracked down. Also, the fact that you can get access to the control panel any of your own devices including iOS, MAC, Windows, and Android devices which makes it the ideal option to hack on anyone's WhatsApp account.
2: How to Hack Someone's WhatsApp with Mac Address of the Target Phone
The second method on how to hack someone's WhatsApp is by using the target phone's MAC address. In this method, we will need the MAC address of the target phone, the BusyBox app, as well as the Terminal emulator. You can download both the BusyBox and the Terminal emulator from the Google Play Store. With these three necessities at hand, we can now proceed.1: Using your smartphone, download, install, and run the BusyBox app. You will be required to create an account.
2: Take the target smartphone and obtain its MAC address. Follow these steps to get the MAC address “Settings> About Phone> Status> MAC Address. Write this address down as you are going to need it.
TIP: Please note that we must first spoof the MAC address of the target phone. To do so, we are going to use the Terminal app.3: Launch the Terminal App and type $ su. Press "Enter".
4: In the next step, enter "$ busybox iplink show eth0" and tap "Enter".
TIP: If you get a "device not found" message, enter wlan0 instead of eth0 in the spaces provided.
5: In the next step, type "$ busybox ifconfig eth0 hw ether" followed by your MAC address. Replace the XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX with your MAC address.
TIP: You have now successfully spoofed your MAC address. You can confirm this by entering the following command "$ busybox iplink show eth0".
6: Launch your WhatsApp and enter the phone number of the target WhatsApp account.
7: Before you can completely hack the victim's WhatsApp you will be required to confirm the hack. In this case, choose call verification.
8: Write down the code that you will receive and enter it into the box provided on your smartphone.
It is simple as that. From this point henceforth, you will be receiving each and every message that leaves and enters the target phone WhatsApp account.
3: Hacking WhatsApp on Android without Access to The Phone
If it is a little complicated to hack WhatsApp messages using the Mac address of the target phone, we could try another methodthe. Hacking WhatsApp without access to phone can be a daunting task, especially to newbies. However, I will show you just how simple it is to hack on someone's else WhatsApp without them knowing. To those of us who may want to hack on someone else WhatsApp without necessarily coming into contact with the target phone, the FlexiSpy program and the APK Icon Editor is your ultimate savior. This works only on android phones. With this program, you can spoof the target to download an apk file of the program without them knowing that the file will be used to track them. The following is a detailed process on hacking WhatsApp without access to phone.1: Purchase the FlexiSpy program and follow the download and installation instructions outlined in the purchase email.
2: Once you have installed the program, you will receive an activation/installation code. Please make sure that you keep note of this code as you are going to use it in the later stages of this hacking process.
3: Once you have activated the program, you will have to wait for some few minutes for the saved data to be uploaded to your FlexiSpy account.
4: Once your data has been saved in your account, the next step will be to change the icon and default name of the program from “System Updateâ€Â to another name of your choice. In this case, we can use "Earn Money"Â. For us to do this, we will have to download the APK Icon Editor on our PC.
TIP: The reason as to why we are changing the icon and name of the program is so as to spoof the target user to download the program on their phone. Still wondering how this is going to be possible? Well; let's keep going.
5: Drag the icon of your choice to space provided as shown below.

6: On the right-hand side of your interface, click on the "ApkTool" and select “Properties”. Choose the file of your choice from the drop-down list.

7: Change the FlexiSpy name to "Earn Money"Â and tap on the "Pack Apk" option as shown above to confirm the change.
8: Using your email address, send this app along with the FlexiSpy activation code you received during registration to the target phone and request them to download the app. You must make sure that you are convincing enough to make them download the app. Once they fall into your trap and download the app, you will start monitoring them from your FlexiSpy dashboard. It is simple as that.
From the three methods covered above, it is no secret that you can comfortably hack on anyone WhatsApp account without their knowledge and keep track of their messages as they come and go. The method you choose will no doubt depend on your preferences, the type of phone used as well as the reason for the hack. Though our methods encourage hacking in one way or the other, you should bear in mind that the each and every person is entitled to their own privacy. You must always remember that each and every time you hack into someone's else WhatsApp account without their consent, just know that you are breaching their privacy, and this makes you liable for prosecution if caught in the act. Therefore, play safe and wise. All in all, if you have thoughts, comments, and suggestions, please feel free to hit me up and I will be glad to join the conversation.
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